Custom Album Design

How does it work?
We use an online company to design your photo books, then, we give you the password so you can go in and purchase as many books as you like, in whatever sizes you like. You can also add any text if you would like. We usually make them 12"x12", but we can design for a different size if you would like.Uses for albums
Albums are a great way to share your memories with others. Everyone likes to make albums, but it is very difficult to find the time to do it. This is a great way to get your albums made quickly and look great. Plus, because the images are printed directly on the pages, these albums take up less space than traditional albums.
Album design starts at about $75 for 25 designed pages. It can be a little cheaper for a smaller book, or more for a bigger or more elaborate book. We will work with you to make it the size you want. Below is a sample of standard pricing for the actual album from the website. They frequently have sales that will bring down your cost. They also have many more sizes, as well as paperback editions available.Hardback 12"x12" starts at $39.99 for 20 pages, extra pages $1 each.
Hardback 8.5"x8.5" starts at $29.99 for 20 pages and $0.50 for each extra page.